Andrew Usher


Day before the big day now. Not sure if I'm ready to be split in half just yet. A little nervewracking tbh. Dr. Sawyer said everything would be okay, but this is the second pint of blood coming out of me now. Am I really gonna lose that much? Idk, just hopping I'll be able to play ball again (and soon :) ). School's gonna be quite an interesting day, and the fun part? I haven't even told coach yet. Some of my friends know, but I feel like coach is the type to try and make me play in the jamboree today. I really don't wanna be at this school anymore anyway. Just a whole lot going on. And I just feel like a cog in the grand scheme of things. It's cool having people just know of me at least in a way, but it feels a little pressuring as well. Never know what to expect, or what people will/do expect of me. Ooh, my mind is allll over the place right now. Welp, time to go run and pick up my boys to pre-game before school (and hopefully make this a lot less stressful)