Andrew Usher

Savor Your Loved Ones

When was the last time you told your family and close personal friends that you loved them? Whatever your answer, do it today. Recently my twin passed, and it hurts too much to write about it now, maybe another time. We never really saw eye to eye, but I never thought that something bad would happen to him because of me, and now it's too late to tell him how much he’s really meant to me over the years.

Don’t let that day come for your loved ones without telling them what they mean to you.

I know that for many of us, expressing those kinds of feelings isn’t easy. That’s true for me, but I’ve been trying to overcome those barriers. But even if that’s too difficult for you, I recommend that you just hang out with your family or treasured friends. Talk to them. Listen to them. Understand them.

Just spending a little time with someone shows that you care, shows that they are important enough that you’ve chosen — out of all the things to do on your busy schedule — to find the time for them. And if you go beyond that, and truly connect with them, through good conversation, that says even more. Many times its our actions, not just our words, that really speak what our hearts feel.

  • Have five minutes? Send a text. It doesn’t take long to send a text to someone you care about, asking them how they are, wishing them a good day. And that little gesture could go a long way, especially if you follow it up over time.
  • Have 10 minutes? Call them up. A phone call is an easy way to connect with someone. It’s conversation, without the need for travel. What an invention!
  • Have 30 minutes? You might not get the chance to do this every day, but at least once a week, take 30 minutes to drop in on someone you love (call first, so you don’t catch them in their underwear) and just visit. It’ll be some of the best 30 minutes you’ll spend this week.
  • Have a couple hours? Have a good lunch or go somewhere with a loved one. Who among us doesn’t have a couple of free hours each month? Weekends, or evenings, there’s got to be a time that you spend in front of the TV or mindlessly surfing the internet. Take a chunk of that time, and devote it to a friend or family
  • Really focus on them. Pay attention to that person. Listen. Really be there, in that moment, with that person. Because that’s a moment you’ll never get back, so spend it wisely.
  • Have a blast. Tell jokes, crack each other up, do something fun and spontaneous. Really have a great time!