Andrew Usher

Super Saucy

A group of 5 gets sat for me. One man proves himself to be a jerk within 30 seconds, you know the type. I'm already steeling myself for a difficult table.

Starts right off asking for two cocktails for himself. I politely explain our company policy of only one drink at a time, he tries to convince his buddy to buy one for him, with me there. I explain I'm sorry, but that's the same issue if they're not drinking the drink they order.

He's already angry. I get their drinks, check back in 2 minutes later. His drink is full, but he has a random new drink in front of him that I never ordered for him, a can of some sort. I ask where he got it, and he proceeds to laugh in my face and tell me "I found it under my seat. So what??" I go and ask my bartender if he came up and ordered with her, she says no. So he BROUGHT HIS OWN ALCOHOL. To a restaurant.

I immediately go and get a manager, but of course because I asked him about it, he has chugged it and thrown it out before the manager gets there.

I go check on them again, and he demands another drink, his first (from us) still sitting untouched. I tell him no. Just deadpan "no." And he gets offended and asks why and I tell him he still has his first drink. He tells me "that's just water!!!" I say he needs to be at least halfway through that one first.

My other manager comes up to ask me what's going on with him, and I tell my manager, who gives me the okay to cut this guy off at this point. So the man chugs his drink, and when he asks for another, I politely tell him we aren't comfortable serving him more alcohol tonight. He's SO MAD. He immediately asks for the check, and I print it. Then the rest of the table orders two of our most expensive desserts (after asking for 3 desserts we don't carry first.)

I print a new check, but instead of taking it, they shove a card in my hand. No problem. I close them out. Now they're demanding to know why it's more expensive than the first check I gave them. I remind them, they ordered dessert. They said "that should have been separate!!!" Well... Maybe you should have told me before shoving a card at me without a single word??

Finally they leave. They call the store 5 minutes later to complain to management about me, who luckily understood this guy was just being an absolute jerk. But seriously... WTH m